Submitted papers will undergo evaluation by a minimum of two program committee members, considering factors such as originality, significance, relevance, and technical quality. Authors are required to adhere to the CEUR-WS‘s formatting guidelines when preparing their papers.
We are accepting three categories of paper submissions:
Short papers: These should be up to 4 pages, excluding references. Short papers can either present viewpoints or ambitions, or describe specific problems. Authors of short papers will have the opportunity to engage in informal discussions with other attendees during the workshop and will also be invited to give a brief presentation on their work.
Full papers: These should exceed 4 pages, plus references. Full papers can cover either ongoing work or completed research. If the Programme Committee accepts a full paper, the authors will be invited to deliver a talk about their paper during the event.
Additionally, we welcome extended abstracts of up to 2 pages, along with references. These extended abstracts should present original work, work-in-progress, or research that has been previously presented or is currently under review at other venues. Authors of extended abstracts will have the opportunity to discuss their work informally with other participants during the workshop and will also be invited to give a short presentation on their work. The aim of these extended abstracts is to encourage the exchange of ideas at the workshop.
Authors are required to submit their papers following a single-blind review process, which means that the authors’ names should be included in the submissions. Please note that the review process will be anonymous, and the reviewers’ identities will be kept confidential.
All submissions must be made through the EasyChair conference system. Please ensure that you submit your paper before the specified deadline. Kindly note that all deadlines mentioned are based on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
To ensure that your paper is included in the conference program and eligible for presentation, at least one of the authors must register for the conference and actively participate in the event. This author will be responsible for delivering the presentation associated with the accepted paper.
AIQxQIA proceedings will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings series.
Authors are required to provide clear information in their submissions if their papers have been previously published. Please include details about the previous publication to avoid any issues with duplicate submissions or plagiarism concerns.
We are pleased to announce that the submission site is now open and ready to receive your papers! We look forward to receiving your contributions and making this conference a success!
Instructions for CEUR-WS Proceedings
The authors of accepted original contributions to the AIQxQIA2023 Workshop who wish their submission to be included in the proceedings are required to complete the CEUR copyright form as explained below:
1) authors of original submissions that do not contain copyrighted third party material in their paper text (or accompanying sources, datasets) are asked to sign the AUTHOR AGREEMENT NTP file, available at the following link: ceur-author-agreement-ccby-ntp.pdf
2) authors of original submissions that contain copyrighted third party material in their paper or accompanying material, are asked to sign the AUTHOR AGREEMENT TP file, available at the following link: ceur-author-agreement-ccby-tp.pdf
These authors are also asked to attach a copy of the permission by the third party to use this material in the signed author agreement.
In the filling of the copyright form, the authors can refer to the AIQxQIA2023 Organizers as the Proceedings editors.
Note: only the corresponding author is required to sign the agreement, and send it to: “”.
The titles + authors of the AIQXQIA submissions that have already been published will be listed in the proceedings’ front matter.